We’re always on the lookout for great new house music to release to the world.

We do like to think of ourselves as a destination label, not just a leg-up to get somewhere else as we invest a fair bit of love and nurture into what we do and would expect the same from new artists being introduced into the family.

Royalties are negotiated on a ‘by case’ basis and are split from recovered profits after expenses such as mastering, social media promotion and anti-piracy measures. Please be aware that not many releases reach a break even these days thanks to awful streaming royalties and it’s sadly common that a track won’t reach it’s payout threshold.

We do try to listen to material as quickly as possible, but we have limited time so please give it your best shot. A fully prepared premaster is going to go down a lot better than a rough idea that needs work, and you must be prepared to get your hands dirty building your following alongside what we do.

Finally, please make sure you have the full rights to what you send us, use sample libraries by all means but nothing is going to bury a release quicker than uncleared samples.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing what you’ve got ! 🙂

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